Sunday, April 1, 2012

REVIEW: MAC Viva Glam Nicki Lipstick

If you want to know more about this product, please read on for the rest of the review and more pictures. If you can't tell by the picture, this is MAC'S VIva Glam Nicki lipstick. 

I have decided that this lipstick is definitely going to be my go to color for the summer. At the moment it is a little too bright to wear because here in L.A. the weather is pretty bipolar and mostly gloomy. One of the things I love about being tan is being able to pull off bright colors like this one. I'm ab out 2 shades lighter than Nicki Minaj so I wanted to try it out as soon as I laid my eyes on the images. I am a huge Nicki fan so I had made up my mind that I was going to purchase this lipstick. I fell in love with the whole look she sported in the advertisement image. She had on a lime green on the eye with aqua on the lower lash line. I have been wanting to recreate it but I just have not had the chance. So back to the lipstick. It is a satin finish so these tend to be kind of drying. If you attempt to do wear this lipstick without the proper prepping, it will end miserably. You have to make sure that your lips are properly moisturized and that there is no dead skin on your lips because it will show through the lipstick and end up being a waste of product. I am going to add a picture soon of what it looks like with my tan skin but I just haven't had the opportunity to yet.

This is a full coverage lipstick and it is more matte than satin. I would even classify it as an amplified creme more than a satin. Overall I am in love with this lipstick, almost as much as I love Nicki. Unfortunately the lipstick seems to not suit people with darker and cooler undertones too well. Of course that is from what I have seen in pictures so maybe in person it would be different. I am a pink and peach lip aficionado so this lipstick is right up my alley. I am satisfied with my purchase because I checked the lipstick up against my collection and I have NOTHING like it. I took some comparison swatches but I did not bother to post them because they are not at all alike.  The wear time for this lipstick was about 4-5 hours on me with minimal feathering. That is it for this review, I hope you guys enjoy this product as much as I do. =)

Price: $14.50USD
Amount: 3g/0.1oz

What MAC Cosmetics says about their product: "M∙A∙C and hip-hop diva Nicki Minaj join forces to create VIVA GLAM Nicki, a scene-stealing Lipstick. Every cent from the sale goes toward helping women, men and children living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. Limited Edition."

Will I repurchase this?: I absolutely love the color so I just might go through a tube this summer. So most likely, YES!
Do I recommend this?: Yes. I would definitely try it on first though if you have a cool undertone because it can tend to look ashy. Also it might not be too flattering on darker and cooler skin tones.
Recession Seal: Approved. A little goes a logn way and with MAC you get what you pay for.
  • Packaging: 5/5
  • Value: 5/5
  • Effectiveness: 5/5
  • Price: 5/5
  • Overall: 5/5

Where to Buy: Anywhere MAC is sold.

Remember that I love feedback! Let me know if you have tried the product featured in this post and your thoughts on it.

Disclosure: The product mentioned in this post was purchased by me for personal use and to be featured here on my blog. Honesty is always the best policy, so I can honestly say that I am not being compensated in any way whatsoever to talk about this product.

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